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早晨宜背誦,宜朗讀,宜思考, 宜創作,宜寫作,宜寫字,宜交談。這個時間給這個年紀的學生,當然要帶領他們徜徉於文字的天地,體驗詩人的想像與詩句的節奏和韻腳,來回於歷史的蹤跡,進出古蹟廢墟和熟悉流傳久遠的故事與人物。然後靜下心來,也學習用文字抒寫敘述自己的感覺和意見。關於寫作,我們重視幾個原則,那便是Express, Not Impress; Clarity and Brevity; Honesty and Sincerity. 把握這些原則,那麼寫作對這些學生而言,便是心情的紀錄,自然而流暢的身心享受。

Morning is the ideal time for reciting, reading-aloud, thinking, creating, writing, hand-writing, and conversing. It is also appropriate for these 3 to 6 graders to stroll in the woods of words, partake of poets’ imaginations, study the subtlety of meters and rhymes of poems, visit a few sites of ancient ruins, or simply become familiar with places and people in history that have been retold countless times. They could then quiet their minds, sit down, and learn to express themselves by writing, a task about which we observe only a few simple principles: write to express, not to impress; with clarity and brevity; with honesty and sincerity. With these few principle in mind, writing will be a natural and spontaneous process of self-expression nourishing their body and minds.

下午宜邏輯,宜數理, 宜計算,宜爭辯,宜挑戰,宜動腦解決問題。而這正是Math Kangaroo的設計理念。我們也積極培訓Math Kangaroo 將在2020年三月十九日下午舉辦的國際袋鼠數學競賽。Jeng Academic Center 是Math Kangaroo 的正式考場之一,目前為止已經有數十人報名參加這項比賽,我們這三天下午,便將積極培訓小朋友們參加這次盛會。

Afternoon, on the other hand, is most suitable for logic, math, calculation, debates, challenges, and problem solving. which is also function of Math Kangaroo. We are planning to train more students to participate in this International Math Kangaroo Competition to be held on March 19, 2020. As of November 2019, more than thirty participants have enrolled at Jeng Academic Center, an official Kangaroo Math test site. We shall be teaching Math Kangaroo to prepare these 3 - 6 graders for this challenging event.

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嘉科教育中心為什麼如此重視歷史課程? 許慎「說文解字」裏對史字的定義是「記事者也」。這個中國字的形象如同一人拿著一個中字,而中字又有「保藏的檔案」之意。歷史則指的是歷代史書,是過去事件的文字記錄。與此相較,英文中的history則源於希臘文的historia, 其原始含義為「探詢,探究」。從中西兩方的文字根源,我們可以看出研究歷史,一方面在了解過去事件的文字記錄,另一方面則在探究隱藏在歷史事件背後


在一本論翻譯的書上讀到如下詩句和譯文: a blue shadow sweeps over the landscape turning the yellow wheat field green the red poppies purple 原譯: 藍色的影子 輕拂過蒼茫大地 把黃澄澄的麥田變成青綠 紅豔豔的罌粟轉為鮮紫 從準確著眼,原文無「蒼茫」意,也沒有「輕」的含義,從精簡角度看,譯文尚可改進。


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